My name is Veronika Ertl-Bleimhofer.

I am currently a postdoc at IMPAN in the group of Piotr Achinger.

I am interested in foundational aspects p-adic cohomology theories but also in their applications, for example to p-adic Hodge theory but also other areas such as questions on L-functions.

My work on the arXiv.

You can reach me by email at vertl[at]impan[dot]pl.

Curriculum vitae

Previously, I was a postdoc in the Fakultät für Mathematik at the Universität Regensburg in the group of Niko Naumann,
and in the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, at Keio University in the group of Kenichi Bannai.

I was a graduate student in the Department of Mathematics, College of Science of the University of Utah under the supervision of Wiesława Nizioł.
I obtained my diploma in mathematics at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, where I wrote a thesis under the supervision of Fabian Morel.
I spent one year of Master at the Université Paris 13, where I wrote a thesis under the supervision of Olivier Brinon.

Here is a detailed CV.

Publications and preprints


On the v-Picard group of Stein spaces.
   with Sally Gilles and Wiesława Nizioł (version of June 2024), accepted at International Mathematics Research Notices.

A new proof of a vanishing result due to Berthelot, Esnault, and Rülling.
   Journal of Number Theory, vol. 237, pp. 242-256, (2022).

Comparison between rigid and crystalline syntomic cohomology for strictly semistable log schemes with boundary.
   with Kazuki Yamada, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova, vol. 145, pp. 213-291, (2021).

On infiniteness of integral overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology modulo torsion.
   with Atsushi Shiho, Tohoku Mathematical Journal, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 395-410, (2020).

Witt differentials in the h-topology.
   with Lance E. Miller, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, vol. 223, no. 12, pp. 5285-5309, (2019).

Syntomic cohomology and p-adic motivic cohomology.
   with Wiesława Nizioł, Algebraic Geometry, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 100-131, (2019).

Integral Comparison of Monsky-Washnitzer and overconvergent de Rham-Witt cohomology.
   with Johannes Sprang, Proceedings of the AMS, Series B, vol. 5, pp. 64-72, (2018).

Full faithfulness for overconvergent F-de Rham-Witt connections.
   Comptes rendus - Mathématique, vol. 354, no. 7, pp. 653-658, (2016).


Comparison of different Tate conjectures.
   with Timo Keller and Yanshuai Qin (version of June 2024).

Berthelot's conjecture via homotopy theory.
   with Alberto Vezzani (version of June 2024).

Integral p-adic cohomology theories for open and singular varieties.
   with Atsushi Shiho and Johannes Sprang (version of May 2021).

Poincaré duality for rigid analytic Hyodo-Kato theory.
   with Kazuki Yamada (version of May 2024).

Rigid analytic reconstruction of Hyodo-Kato theory.
   with Kazuki Yamada (version of March 2024).

Publications without peer review

Witt differentials and the h-topology.
   Oberwolfach Report 6/2019 for the Workshop "Singularities and Homological Aspects of Commutative Algebra", pp. 426-427.

Comparison Theorems between Overconvergent Cohomology and Rigid Cohomology with Coefficient.
   Oberwolfach Report 32/2014 for the Workshop "Algebraische Zahlentheorie", pp. 1784-1786.


Dissertation: Overconvergent Chern Classes and Higher Cycle Classes.
   At the University of Utah, Salt Lake City (USA).

Diplomarbeit: The Modularity Theorem and Fermat's Last Theorem.
   At the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München (Germany).

Mémoir de M1 (inofficiel): Les groupes p-divisible.
   At the Université Paris 13, Villetaneuse (France).


Contributions to suri-joshi, a Japanese web page for girls in mathematics:
  How mathematics helped me to get to know many parts of our beautiful world, Part 1. The Japanese version.
  How mathematics helped me to get to know many parts of our beautiful world, Part 2. The Japanese version.
  Returning to Japan.

Winter term 2020/21, Universität Regensburg:
   Information workshop on PhD positions in different countries/academic systems.

May 2020 - July 2023, Universität Regensburg:
   Talent group for women in mathematics.

November 2014, Universität Regensburg:
   Information day for secondary school pupils at the Fakultät für Mathematik, Talk on Fermats last Theorem.


University Lectures

Summer term 2023, Universität Regensburg:
   "Exam preparation class Algebra", together with PD Dr. Florian Strunk.

Winter term 2022/23, Universität Regensburg:
   "Elementary geometry for secondary school teachers (LR)".

Summer term 2022, Universität Regensburg:
   Assistant for PD Dr. Florian Strunk's "Exam preparation class in algebra".
   Assistant for PD Dr. Jonathan Bowden's "Exam preparation class in analysis".

Winter term 2021/22, Universität Regensburg:
   "Analysis III for Physics": Question hour, organisation of exercise sessions, training for tutors. Lecturer: Matthias Ludewig.
   "Exam preparation class Algebra", together with Dr. Ana Botero and Dr. Daniel Schäppi.

Winter term 2020/21, Universität Regensburg:
   Assitant for Professor Niko Naumann's lecture "Linear Algebra 1".

Summer term 2020, Universität Regensburg:
   "Algebraic Groups".

Winter term 2019/20, Universität Regensburg:
   "Analysis III for Physics".

Winter term 2018/19, Universität Regensburg:
   "Exam preparation class Algebra".

Winter term 2016/17, Universität Regensburg:
   "Exam preparation class Algebra". I developed a new concept for this class. A report can be found here.
   Exercise/Question hour for Professor Niko Naumann's class "Algebra".

Summer term 2016, Universität Regensburg:
   "Exam preparation class Algebra", together with Bastian Altmann.
   Training for tutors for Professor Niko Naumann's class "Linear Algebra 2".

Winter term 2015/16, Universität Regensburg:
   Lecture "The de Rham-Witt complex".

January 2015, Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg:
   Lecture series on the de Rham-Witt complex.

Spring term 2014, University of Utah:
   Teaching assistant for Professor van Opstall's class "Math 1010: Intermediate Algebra".

Fall term 2013, University of Utah:
   "Math 1210-9, Calculus I".

Spring term 2011, University of Utah:
   "Math 1100-4, Quantitative Analysis".

Fall term 2010, University of Utah:
   "Math 1030-9, Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning".

Spring term 2010, University of Utah:
    Teaching assistant for Professor Tommaso de Fernex' class "Math 3210: Foundations of Analysis I".
   Teaching assistant for Professor Remi Lodh's class "Math 3220: Foundations of Analysis II".

Fall term 2009, University of Utah:
   Teaching Assistant for Professor Klaus Schmitt’s class "Math 3210: Foundations of Analysis I".
   Teaching Assistant for Professor Andrejs Treiberg’s class “Math 3220: Foundations of Analysis II”.

Student seminars

Summer term 2021, Universität Regensburg:
   Proseminar "Mathemagic: Mathematics and Magic" with Dr. Daniel Schäppi.

Summer term 2016, Universität Regensburg:
   Proseminar "Crystallographic Groups".

Summer term 2014, Universität Regensburg:
   Reading class "Finite Flat Group Schemes".


Research internships
   2021, François Trinh : "p-divisible gropus"
   2021, Zhenghui Li : "The Weil conjecture - Deligne’s proof"

Bachelor theses
   2020 - 2021, Joshua Lappat : "Lie algebras and the universal envelopping algebra"
   2020 - 2021, Lukas Wolfseher : "Abelian categories and G-modules"

PhD theses
   2022 - ... Andrea Panontin, cosupervised with Professor Moritz Kerz

If you are interested in working on a project under my supervision, please send me an email.

Organisation of study groups and hot topic seminars

Summer term 2023, Universität Regensburg:
   Arbeitsgruppenseminar "A new construction of the de Rham-Witt complex after Bhatt-Lurie-Mathew".
   Organised together with Professor Moritz Kerz.

Winter term 2016/17, Universität Regensburg:
   Higher Invariants Oberseminar (HIOB 4) "Algebraic de Rham cohomology".
   Organised together with Dr. Florian Strunk and PD Dr. Georg Tamme.

Summer term 2015, Universität Regensburg:
   Oberseminar "Weil's Conjecture on Tamagawa Numbers".

Winter term 2014/15,Universität Regensburg:
   Arbeitsgruppenseminar "Non-archimedean Geometry".

Spring term 2013, University of Utah:
   Study group "p-adic Deformation of algebraic cycle classes".

Fall term 2012, University of Utah:
   Graduate Seminar in Arithmetic Geometry "Etale Cohomology".
   Organised together with Dr. Lance E. Miller.

Spring term 2010, University of Utah:
   Study group "The Theorem of Čerednik and Drinfeld".
   Organised together with Dr. Rémi S. Lodh.


Notes from talks at seminars, conferences and study groups

On classical and p-adic comparison theorems.
   Notes from my talk at MIMUWAG 2023.

On conjectures for L-functions over function fields.
   Notes from my talk at the IHES 2023.

On a new construction of the de Rham-Witt complex.
   Notes from my Oberseminar talk in Regensburg 2023.

On integral p-adic cohomology.
   Notes from my talk at the Gauss-Seminar in Heidelberg 2023.

On Poincaré duality.
   Notes from my talk in Padvova 2022.

On integral p-adic cohomology.
   Notes from my talk in Oaxaca 2022.

On the kernel of the monodromy.
   Notes from my talk in Rennes 2021.

An introduction to proof assistance and verification.
   Slides from my talk at the HIOB Seminar in Regensburg 2021.

On Poincaré duality for rigid Hyodo-Kato theory
   Video of my talk a conference at Imperial College of London 2020.

On rigid analytic Hyodo-Kato theory and some additional material.
   Slides form my talk in Groningen 2019.

On de Jong's alterations.
   Notes from my Oberseminar talk in Regensburg 2014/15.

On the infinity category of spectra.
    Notes from my talk at the Kleinwalsertal workshop 2014.

On Goodwillie's theorem.
    Notes from my Oberseminar talk in Regensburg 2014.

Personal notes

I wrote the following notes for myself as a graduate student, when trying to undertand certain topics. They are very incomplete.

On Rigid-crystalline comparison. And an example.
On Monsky-Washnitzer cohomology.
On hypercohomology.
On spectral sequences.
On the Harder-Narasimhan filtration.
On the overconvergent deRham-Witt complex.
On the projective space bundle formula.
On the connection between Mosnky-Washnitzer algebras and overconvergent Witt vectors.
On twisted Witt vectors.
On formal-overconvergent comparison.
A calculation.
On the fundamental curve of p-adic Hodge theory.
On homotopy categories.
On derived categories. And some examples.
On generalised cohomology theories.
On log-crystalline Chern classes.
On syntomic cohomology.
On Chern classes in Milnor K-sheaves.
On rigid-overconvergent comparison.
On the Gersten conjecture for Milnor K-theory.
On Newton polygons.